Wizard’s Green

Wizard's GreenWizard’s Green is magical, fun and full of delight.

40 x 90cm


Alizarin Crimson

Alizarin CrimsonAlizarin Crimson is the wonder of the ocean, the breeze that dances with the thin wispy clouds across the sky,  and the steadiness of the breakers as they melt into themselves.

60 x 20cm


Purple Mystery

148Purple Mystery is pensive and calming.  It is a safe place to ponder, bringing yourself back to the present.

50 x 20cm


In Spirit

In SpiritIn Spirit is a soft mixture of clouds as they float and melt into one another.  Their presence is steady though ever changing, representing the impermanence of all conditioned objects and all living beings.  However, there is an everlasting quality which symbolises our spirit after it has experienced human occupancy,  and makes it’s inbound journey back home to the universe.

oil/mixed media on canvas.

92 x 93cm     Available